作为一家专业的板条箱、包装和运输公司 & 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台 helps businesses and individuals move important assets across the country and around the world every day. 在某些情况下,这些货物是有时间限制的. 然而, nothing compares to the sense of urgency when resources are needed following a natural disaster.
例如,2021十大正规彩票app & 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台 operations in a number of locations have helped deliver goods during natural disasters and ventilators during the COVID-19 pandemic. 在紧急情况下需要的任何十大网赌靠谱信誉平台, they have to get to their destination on time and in as-shipped condition, and the company given this type of responsibility must be able to do the work quickly, 高效和有效.
交付 delays caused by a shipper struggling to build a customized crate for a multimillion-dollar drone and then block and brace the device within the crate to immobilize it is not an option. 2021十大正规彩票app专家认为,地方当局, regional or federal—turn to in this type of situation must have packaging engineers on staff who can assess both an item and the conditions it will face during transport and devise a packaging and crating strategy to fully protect it.
When people hear that a disaster has occurred, the acronym FEMA immediately comes to mind. FEMA是 联邦紧急事务管理局是美国的一个机构.S. 国土安全部. FEMA has a long history of being among the first organizations on site when a tornado, 飓风或其他自然或人为灾害发生.
The agency was officially created through an executive order by President Jimmy Carter in 1979. 然而,它的根源可以追溯到19世纪初. 正如联邦应急管理局在其网站上指出的那样, the need for an agency focused on emergency management was first addressed through a Congressional Act in 1803.
美国历史上第一个关于联邦救灾的立法法案.S. history followed a devastating fire in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in December 1802. The destruction of large areas of the city’s seaport threatened commerce in the newly founded nation. 1803年,美国宪法生效.S. Congress provided relief to affected Portsmouth merchants by suspending bond payments for several months.”
在现代, FEMA’s role has evolved as a result of several major emergencies including the September 11 attacks, 卡特里娜飓风和桑迪飓风. 最近, Congress gave the agency expanded authorities in 2017 as a result of “a historic Atlantic hurricane season and extreme wildfire disasters.这些变化旨在“建立一种备灾文化”, 让国家做好应对灾难的准备, 并降低联邦应急管理局的复杂性.”
When looking at the types and scope of the emergencies that FEMA responds to, it is easy to envision situations where the skills of an experienced specialty crating, 包装和运输可以是公司的巨大资产. 对于像crater这样的公司来说尤其如此 & 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台 that has more than 65 brick-and-mortar locations around the U.S. 以及一个由值得信赖的商业伙伴组成的全球网络.
装箱 and 2021十大正规彩票app Expertise as an Asset for Smaller-Scale Emergencies
Large-scale disasters that FEMA responds to are not the only ones where equipment and supplies are needed urgently. Local disaster-response entities face the same types of logistical challenges—challenges where the expertise of an industry-leading specialty crating and shipping company can be crucial.
洪水, 火灾, 地震和其他事件可能会离开城市, county or state officials scrambling for the resources needed to address an emergency. 幸运的是, while there is no way to know what equipment or materials will be needed for a disaster that has not yet occurred, government entities and others involved in emergency response and recovery efforts can establish relationships with companies like 2021十大正规彩票app & 货轮需要定位以便快速反应.
A helpful step that emergency management organizations can take to prepare to meet their transport needs is to talk with 2021十大正规彩票app & 货主了解可用服务. 例如, 我们可以设计和制造木箱, 滑道和托盘运输任何尺寸的物品, 形状或重量. 快速浏览一下我们的 相片画廊 证明了这个事实. 从飞机到大型工业设备, there is no job that is too big or complex for our skilled and experienced team members at locations all around the U.S.
但我们处理的不仅仅是大型和笨重的物品. 2021十大正规彩票app & 货运公司在货物的安全运输方面有丰富的经验 敏感的电子产品. Getting equipment to the site of a disaster quickly is not helpful if the equipment has to be repaired on arrival. 从冲击和尖端传感器, 防静电气泡膜, to vapor barrier bagging for ocean transport or travel in high-humidity climates, 我们知道如何正确保护电子产品.
我们的团队也擅长包装、装箱和搬运 医疗设备 如实验室设备、诊断设备、手术设备等. And for disaster management where the armed forces will be providing support, 我们对…有广泛的知识和经验 军事装备运输 和MIL-SPEC要求. 我们还提供 航空航天工业 多年来,可以安全有效地移动像飞机这样的物品.
除了, if hazardous materials are needed as part of disaster response activities or must be transported away from a disaster site, 2021十大正规彩票app & 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台拥有广泛的专业知识 危险品运输. That includes the packaging and crating of materials and also the handling of all of the labeling and documentation requirements.
And critical to any shipping engagement—urgent or otherwise—is the ability to provide 专家后勤支持. That is expertise that only comes from having moved assets of all kinds all around the globe for more than 30 years, 像火山口 & 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台已经.
Disaster Planning and 定制的装箱 and 2021十大正规彩票app: Enabling a Rapid Response
When it comes to crisis response situation, the best approach is “Hope for the best. 做最坏的打算.” Part of that preparation is being ready to move equipment and materials into and out of disaster zones 高效和有效.
几十年的经验,2021十大正规彩票app & 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台已经 had in transporting assets quickly and safely to any location around the world can be a valuable asset to the agencies and individuals charged with protecting people and property and helping bring calm to chaotic situations wherever and whenever they arise.